If you encounter connection issues when attempting to link your financial accounts to an app via Plaid, the articles in this section should help! We cover the most common error messages you may see and what actions you can take to try to resolve these errors on your own.
Please look at the precise error message, as some of them are similar in nature. Additionally, please make sure the error message that you’re troubleshooting is a Plaid error message. Plaid's error messages will prominently display Plaid's logo at the top of the error page. They will also include a brief description of the specific error that you have encountered.
If you do not see the error message you’re encountering, it is likely an uncommon error and we recommend reaching out to the app or service where you’re attempting to connect your financial accounts. They can look up your account in their system and investigate all corresponding connection attempts via Plaid. If you are attempting to use the Plaid Portal, then you can log in to your account to get in touch.
As a reminder, Plaid does not create an account about you when you connect or attempt to connect your financial accounts to an app or service.
If you have Plaid-specific questions, please reach out to our Support team for further assistance by clicking the support icon on the bottom right corner of the page.