When you’re trying to connect your financial institution to an app or service using Plaid, there are a number of reasons why you may not be able to find your institution on the search screen:
The financial institution isn’t yet supported on Plaid
- While Plaid currently integrates with more than 12,000 financial institutions, we haven’t integrated with them all yet!
- If you’d like to see your financial institution on Plaid, we recommend asking them to contact us about how they can become integrated with Plaid.
- It can take some time to get a new integration set up with Plaid. Because of this, we recommend that you reach out directly to the app you’re attempting to use in order to explore alternatives––external to Plaid’s technology––that can help you connect your financial accounts in the meantime.
The financial institution is supported on Plaid, but is incompatible with the app you’re attempting to use at this time
- Different apps require particular Plaid products and corresponding financial information in order to provide services to you.
- Sometimes there's a mismatch between what an app requires, and what a particular financial institution’s integration can support, which is why your search results may be limited.
- For example, not all financial institutions can be instantly connected to apps through our Auth product. If an app uses this product, but is not yet fully integrated with the financial institution, we may not display all available financial institutions to you.
A change has occurred and Plaid cannot reliably support a connection to the financial institution at present
- In cases where Plaid has previously supported an integration with a financial institution, but can no longer reliably connect or access data, we may remove an institution from our search flow for a period of time or indefinitely.
- This can occur for a variety of reasons, from bank server reliability, to online banking system upgrades or changes, to a decision on the part of the institution.