When you connect to a financial institution via Plaid, you might see what looks like random or incorrect account number information that does not match what you have on file with your financial institution. Some financial institutions, such as Chase Bank, will connect to Plaid via a secure API provided directly by the bank. This secure connection may only supply what is called a Virtual Account Number or Tokenized Account Number (VANs or TANs).
The use of VANs or TANs means your personal bank account number isn't shared with any apps/services; however, some apps/services may mistakenly display the last 4 digits of that Virtual Account Number, which you may not recognize, instead of the account mask -- a field that provides just the last 4 digits of your actual bank account number.
While you may see a VAN or TAN being used by your app/service, this should not have a direct effect on the status of your transfers, or any money movement activities, and it should not be a blocker for users receiving or sending funds.
If you have questions specific to your account, we encourage you to reach out to your app/service or your financial institution, as they'd be in the best position to assist you.
If you have any Plaid-specific questions, please feel free to reach out to our Support team for further assistance.